The Coroner's report is in...
"The Copenhagen Chronicles" is dead. For good. Died from lack of relevance.
Let's face it, I'm no longer in Copenhagen, I rarely post anymore, because I feel it has to be about Copenhagen. It was time for that blog theme to die.
But reincarnation is real, and all content and web address and cover photo even (for now, due to laziness) are being reborn as....
dun dun dunnnn
It makes sense. I ramble. I move. It's still a travel blog about whatever I damn well feel like writing about. I'm not sure anyone reads this anymore anyway? Three cheers and two hip-hips for self indulgence!
I'm bad at keeping a following, due to lack of commitment to posting. But, won't you follow me?
It's a new time. A new day. I move to New York on Friday to start a new chapter. I wasn't about to start a blog called "Natalie in New York". "The Rambling Years" wins.
Let the Rambling begin.
I am happy that Natterpillar rambles onward (different from rambling on?!). So very happy about your upcoming gig, and cannot wait to read your perceptions of your new life in the big apple - returning to your Pa's and Ma's roots. Looking forward to seeing you on the other coast!