If this Sandy is anything like they say she is (a real control freak! And damn burly!) I could have moved to New York just in time to experience a history-book-making storm. They say this is the biggest storm in this area that anyone has ever seen in their lifetime.
It's like I just moved to New Orleans just prior to Katrina (sidenote- why are hurricanes all chicks? I'm sensing some misogyny.)
So far it looks pretty normal outside here on the Upper West Side, just a little windy, gray, gloomy, moist. Still, every time I leave the apartment, I pick up another bag of groceries, just in case (you can never have enough arugula!).
I can't believe there are people out there not leaving their homes in areas that are already flooding. Way to spit in the face of a major natural disaster!
If you ask me, we've been asking for this. Scientists have been saying for waaay too long now that we've been neglecting our natural environment. It's pissed, and I think it has all right to be! We keep getting all up-in-arms about these major natural disasters, but they're going to just keep worsening and becoming more frequent.
It's going to cause destruction. People will lose their lives. I hate to be such a cynic, but I take this as a positive. I think if we, as humans, won't take the initiative to become more symbiotic than parasitic, our planet (being much more resilient) will find ways to shake us off, make this planet untenable for our kind. The planet will be ok. But we're goners...
So we've gotta change. As I sit here watching the winds pick up, letting the news run incessantly in the background (I really don't need to see any more footage of that crane dangling mid-air. I get it. It's precarious. Fix it and let's move on.) my mind is racing with all sorts of thoughts about this storm's political, social, and especially architectural implications (hey... where there's destruction, rebuilding must be done!). I hope I start to form them well enough to write about them. Share them.
Instead, I'll probably get too lazy and just curl up with some hot coffee and watch the rain. I'll try and say something smart before the power goes out...
Meanwhile, I've never seen so many hoods worn on the TV in one day. Everyone looks so cozy!
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