Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mr Dobalina

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself."
Me me me me me. 
I must get my ducks in a row, and stop placing my energy elsewhere as a diversion. 
Clean up and sort through room, preparing for departure.
Finish that damn pesky portfolio of mine, to have something to (hopefully) be proud of. 
Book a flight home, plan my summer travels. 
Focus. Follow through. 
These are not my strengths, but damnit, I will make them my strengths. 

As a side note: I can't wait to leave this place, where fidelity is unheard of. The shit I see go down here is unbelievable. Married men blatantly lying to get a shot at some variety. Guys with girlfriends on the prowl. I just don't understand. It grosses me out. If you want to be single, be single.  But I guess the problem is just as prevalent back home, perhaps just slightly less visible or socially acceptable to talk about. Trust no one. 

Honesty is so hard to come by these days. I have recently been told a few things by a few different people that would certainly warrant lies -should end up as skeletons in their closets. But I respected them, all the more, for just dealing in honesty. My rate of forgiveness and acceptance is exponentially higher when the truth comes out first. If you want my respect, just be honest. If I want to respect myself? Kick the liars to the curb. And finish my portfolio. I should finish my portfolio first. Curb-kicking later. 

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