Monday, June 25, 2012

Heaven helps those who help themselves

I find myself so irritated by those who make plans, make promises and then drag their feet and don't follow through, all the while blaming others for their misfortune, their crummy lives, their lack of accomplishments.
Just, like, take some responsibility, man!

The worst part is, I am sometimes one of those. A professional pussy-footer.
But Nat, give yourself credit where credit is due! If I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it. No questions asked. In what time frame? That's a whole different story.

I've been feeling so stressed out about my summer plans. Today is my last Monday at Henning Larsen Architects. This is my last week. Oy gevalt!

I finally committed to going home, and booked a flight last week. July 27th. That's my final European deadline.

When I booked that, and started looking into my July travel plans, I felt such a huge weight lifted. All of the guilt of putting it off for so long, gone. The crazy thing is, I always build these tasks (cleaning my room, booking a flight home, packing, blogging, even) into huge mountains in my head that become daunting and cripplingly incapacitating until I finally take care of them. And when I do? I find they take no time at all, and I feel immediately like a champion. 10 points, Nat. Scratch that off the endless to-do list.

I am always making resolutions. One more: I resolve to be more proactive about my own life. That empty package of gum floating around the bottom of my purse? Throw it out before 15 more accumulate, and I begrudgingly take an entire afternoon (5/6 of which is spent procrastinating the simple task at hand) to finally clean out my purse. Ugh.
Get it done. Move on.
Feel enlightenment.

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