Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fun Fact!

I keep thinking there's random, patchy snow on the ground, but it's not. It's salt.

All of these cute little trucks drive around, all over the city, sprinkling the bike paths with salt to keep them from getting icy, so that people with bikes without snow tires (don't look at me...everyone keeps saying my bike is so impractical for weather, but I've been fine so far *spits on finger twice*) don't slip and slide and eat shit all over the place.

Fun fact: The bike lanes (more like semi-elevated bike freeways along every street), still used by most throughout the winter, have priority over lanes for cars. When it gets below freezing or snows, the city sends out a fleet of salt trucks to blaze a trail for all of us bikers before they clear a path for cars.

At least this is what I hear. It hasn't snowed that hard yet.
I guess that's less of a fact, and more hearsay.

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