Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Void in my Kitchen

No one in this country believes in leftovers.

It's true.

The portions here are the same size, if not bigger, than back home, and yet I get looked at like a freak when I ask for a box. I can't help it! I've done one too many studies on food waste in landfills to let half of a perfectly good meal get thrown out. And call it a poor-man's mentality, but I see no shame in wanting to get two meals out of one. Isn't it better for my waistline that way as well?

Although, one waitress, when I apologized for wanting a box out of embarrassment, said "Oh I'm so glad! I wish more people did that! You should see how much food we throw away everyday..."

This whole anti-leftovers society has created an interesting problem in my life. I haven't seen a single microwave since I arrived in Denmark.

The result? I'm growing accustomed to eating my dinner cold (when I don't feel like heating it up in a pan, like tonight, after a long day). I guess that's one way to save energy...

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