Saturday, September 24, 2011

Paying Taxes, Makin' Babies

I am always a combination of amused and frustrated at how many baby carriers I see attached to bicycles here.
Frustrated, because somehow, when I'm running late getting somewhere, I always get stuck behind a double-wide munchkin mover.
Amused because, well, I'm used to seeing families carted around in massive SUVs or Mini Vans, not tricked-out two-wheelers.

But that's not my point.

My point is, Denmark is the best place to have a kid. Why?
Because here, if you're a tax paying citizen, they not only provide 3+ months (mandated) paid maternity leave, they provide paid paternity leave as well.
Maybe if this were the case in the states, there would be far more baby-daddies sticking around to do more than just pay their child support (if they even do that).

Paternity leave.
Just another reason to pay your taxes, kids!

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