Monday, April 9, 2012

The Deer Hunt

Many moons ago (SO many!), I took a day trip up to Dyrehaven, a nature reserve just north of Copenhagen -and also the name of one of our most frequented bars (at least Daniel and me, anyway). One of Denmark's kings bought up the land, forrested it, and stocked it with deer for his hunting pleasure. Here are some photos from that magical day all the way back in... November? December? Seriously, my backlog of blog entries is mind-blowing...
I went with three awesome people. Two friends from work Daniel and Tiffany, and my friend Michael - a completely non-Henning Larsen affiliated Danish friend!
After walking around for quite some time, we spotted deer! I tried to sneak up on them...
Then we found the holy-grail of deer. Look at how happy we are!

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