Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Vegas of Denmark, Part Deux

Where did we leave off?
So I was doing a line off of a stripper's....
oh, no. Wait. That was the real Vegas. I kid. That never happened. Or did it... (who reads this blog anyway? Can I be so risque?)

Ah yes, so we were setting up the exhibition in a whirlwind marathon, while occasionally taking breaks to play (like Mark, skating on a dolly).
(Or Thomas making me a bubble wrap dress. Divine! Perfect for Vegas!)
but mostly space-suiting-up to do work.
...hanging some sweet level platforms to put 3D models of projects on (that's right. I hung that. Look how level it is!)

As time drew closer to opening the exhibition doors to the public, things got a little cray cray. I won't go into such great detail, because frankly, I can't be bothered to re-hash all of the nitty gritty bits, and all of the very many things that went wrong last minute. But I did begin to cry (just one salty tear) a half an hour before the exhibition opened when none of the videos that were supposed to be installed had been installed yet. After I had spent the last month asking everyone possibly related to the task every possible question about what would get done, how, and when, you could imagine my frustration when every single person I asked "when are the videos getting installed?" threw up their hands and said "not my problem!". Oy.

Yet somehow, everything came together about 2 minutes before the public was allowed in for the vernisage.

This is me, looking like a goof in front of the main exhibition sign.

These are people watching some videos made by yours truly. If you look closely, you'll see a mini-me on the screen. I promise I didn't mean to feature myself in one of the videos I made. Ooops!
A last-minute model, made with a section cut in it, colored black... like a section! Oooooh so graphic! Standing in the section...
A good model of a mediocre project... (shhh I didn't say that!)


Tons of people showed, they seemed to like it, so I guess we can call this one a success!

After the opening, I got to go to dinner at the Mayor's office, with a fancy 5? 6? course meal, a different wine for each course, and I got to be the only non-Danish-speaker there! So it was a pretty scary meal for me. Fairly lonely. I don't remember the last time I was so silent for such a long period of time!

Afterward, we met up with the other interns at some bars to experience Aalborg nightlife. True Vegas! I maybe stayed out until 7am dancing. It had been a while. I needed some fun!
By the end of the night, things looked like this:

The next day was a bit of a disaster... but that's a whole different story.

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