Monday, November 21, 2011

Wake Up in the Late Afternoon...

I woke up today at 4 pm.
After working hard and then traveling for the past week, playing even harder, I just needed to sleep, uninterrupted. Ain't no shame in sleeping the day away.

...except that I completely missed daylight. 4 pm marked late dusk. How was my day? What day?
Thank you, arctic circle.

I miss the days when I used to be able to linger in bed here until 2, and still make it out in time to catch a good 5-6 hours of sunlight. Plenty of time for biking around, going to coffee shops, perusing the flea markets...

Which is something I keep meaning to blog about...

Now that flea market season is over *sob!*, it's time to reminisce, fondly. (I just lost all readers. Who wants to read about flea markets? Me. And probably only me.)

The flea markets that take place in Copenhagen in the summer and fall (they end in October) are unreal. When you take a society of people with fantastic taste, and gather up what they've decided to throw out, the results are pretty astounding. Paradise for a girl who goes nuts over antique treasures and who's closet should be twice the size of her bedroom. And it's nearly the only cheap place to shop in this town. All flea market season, I only spent a grand total of $146 (I tallied in dollars because the price in danish kroner sounds far less impressive... 800 dkk. See? Sounds like a lot more.)

What the girl got for that reasonable chunk of change):
A beautiful, pure copper kettle. Something I've wanted for the longest time! I can't wait to deck an entire kitchen out in copper cookware...

A super scandinavian bag (although it says "Paris" on the tag). Some sort of military bag? It's somewhat like a jet pack, and it's my pride and joy.

Shoes! The Danes love their shoes...

Various accessories. Scarves for the cold.
One of the best buys? Killer leather, bro. One of the pricier buys for a whopping $20.

One among many shirts. Probably fairly cliche "vintage tee", but too classic to pass up for 5 dkk (about a dollar).

By far the best 5 dkk find. A dollar for some real scandinavian warmth? Yes please!

Ok. I'll stop. I got so much more. But to keep going would be overkill. It's probably already overkill.

But what I'm really saying is, I miss you flea market season. I miss the Saturday I woke up at 3pm to hear Jazz music and loud chatting outside of my apartment window, only to look outside, and to my unbelievable excitement, I found this:
A flea market!!!
No better cure for a hangover (actually... a bloody mary still trumps).

Look at them go! Rummage! Rummage!

So much better than waking up to darkness.
Now if only my room actually came with a closet...

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