I was beginning to feel like I would never be warm again. And after being in a snowstorm in Helsinki, Finland on Tuesday, I've never been more excited to see -and feel! -the sun.
You should have seen me. I went to Christiania with a friend the other day, and I damn near lost my mind seeing some little flowers begin to bloom. It was the cutest/happiest thing I'd seen in a long time, and definitely the most excited I have ever been about seeing flowers bloom.
It'll be nice to return home and not take any of the sun and flora for granted.
I used to think seasonal depression was a myth. How could the weather really affect how you feel? That's absurd!
But it's been a rather tough winter for me. Pathetically enough, this has technically been a mild winter, but in conjunction with transitions, coping with loss, not having the usual familiar faces to rely on (but the accumulation of a few really good new ones!), and a whole lotta introspection, winter has felt heavy, endless, so dark, and a bit like a flashback to the teen angst of 9th grade.
Still, just like that, with a little sun poking through my window, warmth hitting me while I sit at my desk at work (sitting next to a huge wall of windows has also verified the effect the sun has on my mood. On gloomy days, I'm much more tired, less productive, and a little sad for no reason. When the sun comes out? I perk right up! Wild!) things feel markedly different.
I'm about to go for a run outside (!) in the park. Something I haven't been able to do for months.
I wanna catch the sun before it goes away and snows again. It's supposed to freeze again this weekend. Why!? Can't spring just stay? Oh Spring, you tease!